The following programs and files will be used to change the boot screen:
1) Resource Hacker
2) Jasc Paint Shop Pro (Version used here is version 7.04)
3) Color Palettes (16.pal & win.pal)
After installing Paint Shop Pro and Resource Hacker, we are going to create a working directory on our hard drive. I will be using the directory C:\Bootscreen.
Copy from your Windows\System32 folder the file "ntoskrnl.exe" into the working directory.
Also extract the color Palette zip file to the working folder.
Start Resource Hacker open the "ntoskrnl.exe" and go to "Bitmap" - "1" -"1033".
Next click on "Action" - "Save [Bitmap :1 : 1033]..." to the working directory, giving it a name of your choice.
Next start Paint Shop Pro, and load the bmp file you saved in the previous step.
Click on "Colors" - "Load Palette" - make sure to choose "Maintain indexes", browse to the location of "16.pal" and click open.
Now the boot screen is shown,
and you can rebuild it as you wish, using Paint Shop Pro.
Once finished, go back to "Colors" - "Load Palette" - "Maintain indexes" - and browse to "win.pal" and "open".
The bitmap will turn black again.
Click "File" and "Save". Paint Shop Pro can be closed now.
Next step to do, is to load your modified bmp into the "ntoskrnl.exe"
To do so, start Resource Hacker, open the "ntoskrnl.exe" and go to "Bitmap" - "1" -"1033".
Next click on "Action" - "Replace Bitmap..."
Click on "Open file with new bitmap", browse to your modified bitmap file and click "Replace"
Next click "File" and "Save"
To replace the "ntoskrnl.exe" of your running system, reboot your computer hitting F8 and starting it with command prompt.
Replace the ntoskrnl.exe
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How to create a Bootable CD (after slipstreaming)
How to create your own plugin
How to create an iso file with Bart's PEBuilder
How to extract Windows PE from Longhorn
Any remarks or suggestions, just let me know
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